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Pay to Park in Sarasota? It’s here, but not as bad as you might think…

Sarasota Parking Meter

Pay to park is now in Sarasota, so I thought I’d try it out because I needed a few pictures of the new Streetscape on Lemon Ave (and wow, is it going to be nice).  The metered spaces are designed to give you 10 minutes for free (not the pole meters), however I needed a little more time and bought 15 minutes for 25c.  There is also a phone app that you can use, ParkMobile, and you can extend time from your phone if you are not back to your car in time.  Check out the locations and rules here and don’t be fooled into paying during free time.  Parking rules are enforced Monday – Saturday from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm, free on city holidays and Sundays.